Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Step Off

"You can't live your life for other people.  You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love." - The Notebook

Have you ever doubted yourself?  Or doubted a decision you were about to make?  Did you doubt yourself because something inside of you felt wrong...felt off?  Or did you doubt yourself because you were afraid that your decision might disappoint someone else - someone you respected and cared about?  Our lives are filled with decisions.  Every day, every minute, every second...we are constantly deciding what to do next.  But we are continually letting these decisions be influenced by other people. Sometimes we ask for the intervention - a second, or even third opinion.  Yet still other times people find it necessary to give their input when it was never asked for.  And for some reason they speak up more when their thoughts are in disagreement with our if they feed off of the conflict.  And because we respect these people - because they have maintained such important roles in our lives - we have a tendency to let these opinions sway our decision-making process to the point where we experience so much internal conflict from wanting to follow our hearts, but at the same time not wanting to let down those that have so bluntly stated their disagreement.  So it's moments like this when we have to step up and say, "this is my life."  Each person is unique, and although we may develop certain special relationships with other individuals, we all hold our own beliefs and our own perspectives on life.  Each person has been blessed with their own life to do with that which they see fit.  Sometimes people just have to mind their own business and let others live their lives however they choose.  If you don't approve of a particular behavior, style, or trend no one says you have to participate.  If you don't like tattoos, don't get one.  If you don't find yourself attracted to people of the same sex, don't get intimately involved with one.  If you don't like a particular genre of music, don't listen to it.  But just because you don't like/approve of something doesn't mean everyone else has to share those same beliefs.  And it doesn't mean you should have the right to judge another person for a decision they have made, or would like to make, that you wouldn't make for yourself.  Get over yourself.  Stop trying to control the lives of everyone around you.  Just do you.  Live your life and let everyone else live theirs.

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